Nov 16, 2010

Review: Mystery Age: The Dark Priests

Type: Adventure, Hidden Object, Puzzle
Platform: PC
Price: USD 6.99 for the game and USD 6.99 for the strategy guide

The story takes places 30 years after The Imperial Staff. Both of Amber's parents have passed away and she is called back to her village. Upon arriving at her village, she discovers that the villages have turned to stone and some dark priests are lurking around.

There are some slight differences to the first game but the main gameplay is still the same. You have to find objects shown at the bottom of the screen. Each group of objects will either help you obtain a part of another group of objects or become an item take appears in your inventory. You can also find items to add to your inventory when you explore the different areas. Each item in the inventory has a specific use and will disappear after you use it.

The production quality of the game remains pretty good with beautiful graphics and sound effects. I found this game to be harder than The Imperial Staff mainly because I have to keep moving back and fro between locations to look for items to add to my inventory, hidden object games or to check whether the newly added item to my inventory can be used. Sometimes it is pretty obvious but sometimes it is a matter of trial and error. Every time I obtain a new item in my inventory, I would go through all the locations to see if it works somewhere. Certain tasks, like fixing a boat so I can cross the river, will require a few steps to complete them. The puzzles also feels are bit harder but thankfully there is a skip button if you cannot solve it after some time.

Verdict ★★★★★
Store page

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